Holmes High School Talent Show 2009
OMG! I have one word to say and that is WOW! WOW! Seriously WOW! What in the world happened to high school?
I was invited to go to my nephew/godson's talent show at my old almamater. I was excited about the evening because I had been to previous Christmas concerts of his at the school and was always pleased with the performances and impressed with the talents of my nephew and the other students.
My nephew Jeremy, in addition to being in the top 5% of his class is a talented musician which can be attributed to my brother who is also a talented musician. It does run in the blood.
So as we ventured out to start our evening, Mom, Dad, me and my brother (Jeremy's dad) climbed into the car and headed toward the campus. I always get this indescribable feeling as I head up the campus drive way. A bit of nostalgia, anxiety, excitement and sadness overcomes me. Everything still looks pretty much the same which adds to the rush of emotion. We park the car and head into the auditorium and take our seats. It's still the same ole dingy musty auditorium as I remember. Not even new carpet and seat cover can cover up the smell.
As I pick up a program the lights dim and a hush comes over the crowd. The curtains fly open and at the same time a rif of the guitar hits the audience and breaks through the silence. What I then saw was the most amazing rock band burning up the strings of their guitars and a drummer with his hands flying through the air. The players have long hair, skinny jeans, cool t-shirts. I think WOW what the hec is this? Is this really high school am I really at my old school? Are these students? I felt like I was at a Green Day concert. What happened to the nerdy kids, the awkward zit faced kids, the shy goofy kids? The sounded professional, AMAZING! The first word out of my mouth was WOW, I am impressed!!! It was one fantastic performance after another. Once girl sang a Taylor Swift song and nailed it! Another guy danced to Brittany Spears "Circus" and out shined even her. And yet another talented you man sang a Mariachi and nailed it! And then it was time.
My nephews band was next. Anticipation was building as we waited extra long for them to come out. The crowd was starting to get impatient. People were shuffling around in their seats getting antsy. Then the curtain slowly opened and a full on band stood before us. My nephew started the music with the most amazing crowd arousing rumble of the drums and I jumped out of my seat as they began to rock out Jon Bon Jovi's "Living on a Prayer." The whole crowd cheered, yelled and applauded with excitement. It was an impressive rendition as we all sang along to those all familiar lyrics. I did not want it to end it was so good. I was so impressed I could hardly believe my eyes and ears. As the song ended the crowd bursted out in louder screams, cheers and howls. Everyone was standing up now and just full of life and excitement. My mom, dad, brother and I were hi-fiving each other it was great just great.
As we left the auditorium I told my family WOW what the hec happened to high school? This is nothing like when I used to come here. We were scared, shy, nervous, unsure, insecure. When there was a talent show or a Christmas concerts kids were scared, they had sullen look on their faces. They had talent don't get me wrong but there was no stage presence. These kids had stage presence!!! I told my family that it takes a lot to have stage presence and that performing is 10% talent and 90% stage presence. I just could not believe the amazing talent of these kids. I could not believe how much passion these young kids have. What ever talent, hobby or skill they possessed they have really just taken control of it and honed, worked on it, perfected it and at such a young age.
I remember when I was a kid and I had dreams they were always shot down, laughed at or just ignored or I was made to feel bad about what it was I wanted to do by my parents. I just wanted to say that whoever is behind these kids pushing them, encouraging them, giving them positive reinforcement good for you man! Good for you!!! Keep it up!! It's working!!! Your kids are amazing just amazing. I was so proud to be there audience for that little while. That little while that felt so amazing. Yes I was there I witnessed it, your kids rocked and you have sooo much to be proud of. I am truly inspired.
I just want to say that MAN those kids had PASSION! REAL PASSION and TRUE talent. I do not remember having passion for anything at that age. Not like that. Even now I wish that I had just 10% of what those kids have. Wow, high school kids have come a looooong way.
Here's to a great night and to the kids of the Holmes High school 2009 talent show who rocked out the house !!! GO FOR IT MAN! JUST GO FOR IT!
I was invited to go to my nephew/godson's talent show at my old almamater. I was excited about the evening because I had been to previous Christmas concerts of his at the school and was always pleased with the performances and impressed with the talents of my nephew and the other students.
My nephew Jeremy, in addition to being in the top 5% of his class is a talented musician which can be attributed to my brother who is also a talented musician. It does run in the blood.
So as we ventured out to start our evening, Mom, Dad, me and my brother (Jeremy's dad) climbed into the car and headed toward the campus. I always get this indescribable feeling as I head up the campus drive way. A bit of nostalgia, anxiety, excitement and sadness overcomes me. Everything still looks pretty much the same which adds to the rush of emotion. We park the car and head into the auditorium and take our seats. It's still the same ole dingy musty auditorium as I remember. Not even new carpet and seat cover can cover up the smell.
As I pick up a program the lights dim and a hush comes over the crowd. The curtains fly open and at the same time a rif of the guitar hits the audience and breaks through the silence. What I then saw was the most amazing rock band burning up the strings of their guitars and a drummer with his hands flying through the air. The players have long hair, skinny jeans, cool t-shirts. I think WOW what the hec is this? Is this really high school am I really at my old school? Are these students? I felt like I was at a Green Day concert. What happened to the nerdy kids, the awkward zit faced kids, the shy goofy kids? The sounded professional, AMAZING! The first word out of my mouth was WOW, I am impressed!!! It was one fantastic performance after another. Once girl sang a Taylor Swift song and nailed it! Another guy danced to Brittany Spears "Circus" and out shined even her. And yet another talented you man sang a Mariachi and nailed it! And then it was time.
My nephews band was next. Anticipation was building as we waited extra long for them to come out. The crowd was starting to get impatient. People were shuffling around in their seats getting antsy. Then the curtain slowly opened and a full on band stood before us. My nephew started the music with the most amazing crowd arousing rumble of the drums and I jumped out of my seat as they began to rock out Jon Bon Jovi's "Living on a Prayer." The whole crowd cheered, yelled and applauded with excitement. It was an impressive rendition as we all sang along to those all familiar lyrics. I did not want it to end it was so good. I was so impressed I could hardly believe my eyes and ears. As the song ended the crowd bursted out in louder screams, cheers and howls. Everyone was standing up now and just full of life and excitement. My mom, dad, brother and I were hi-fiving each other it was great just great.
As we left the auditorium I told my family WOW what the hec happened to high school? This is nothing like when I used to come here. We were scared, shy, nervous, unsure, insecure. When there was a talent show or a Christmas concerts kids were scared, they had sullen look on their faces. They had talent don't get me wrong but there was no stage presence. These kids had stage presence!!! I told my family that it takes a lot to have stage presence and that performing is 10% talent and 90% stage presence. I just could not believe the amazing talent of these kids. I could not believe how much passion these young kids have. What ever talent, hobby or skill they possessed they have really just taken control of it and honed, worked on it, perfected it and at such a young age.
I remember when I was a kid and I had dreams they were always shot down, laughed at or just ignored or I was made to feel bad about what it was I wanted to do by my parents. I just wanted to say that whoever is behind these kids pushing them, encouraging them, giving them positive reinforcement good for you man! Good for you!!! Keep it up!! It's working!!! Your kids are amazing just amazing. I was so proud to be there audience for that little while. That little while that felt so amazing. Yes I was there I witnessed it, your kids rocked and you have sooo much to be proud of. I am truly inspired.
I just want to say that MAN those kids had PASSION! REAL PASSION and TRUE talent. I do not remember having passion for anything at that age. Not like that. Even now I wish that I had just 10% of what those kids have. Wow, high school kids have come a looooong way.
Here's to a great night and to the kids of the Holmes High school 2009 talent show who rocked out the house !!! GO FOR IT MAN! JUST GO FOR IT!
I just want to say that MAN those kids had PASSION REAL PASSION and TRUE talent. I do not remember having passion for anything at that age. Not like that. Even now I wish that I had just 10% of what those kids have. Wow, high school kids have come a looooong way.